Biogradska Gora National Park
Europe’s rare virgin forest
A special pebble in the impressive mosaic of Montenegro nature belongs to the National Park Biogradska gora (Biograd Mountain).
In 1878. H.M. Prince Nicolas Petrović, Lord of Montenegro appointed this landscape to be cared and preserved with special attention. From these days on, this precious piece of nature is named as Prince’s Grove (Branik). Good history and early presence of understanding for the preservance of natural resources keep this oasis of untouched nature living it’s own life just like 1000 years ago.
There are five magnificent glacier lakes, with Lake Biograd, which is often named as the most beautiful lake in the Balkans.
Lake Biograd is located at 1094 m above sea level, surrounded with an old virgin forest, 1100 m long, with an average depth of 4,5 m, and 3,5 km long lakeside with footways. Swamp side at the Biograd River delta is bridged with a long wooden bridge, which hides in green forest during Spring and Summer. A sight to remember!
Although it is the one of smallest of five national parks in Montenegro, Biogradska Gora National Park contains great diversity of flora and fauna. There are 26 different habitats of plants with 220 different plants, 150 species of birds, and 10 species of mammals live in this Park and in its forest, there are 86 species of trees and shrubs. In the waters of the park exist three species of trout and 350 species of insects. Rainfall is extremely high in the area, averaging up to 100 inches per year, and allows the growth of temperate rainforest. One of the unique features of the park is its virgin forest, Biogradska Gora (16 km²) with trees over five hundred years old. In the very heart of virgin forest is Biogradsko Lake, the largest glacier lake in this National park. The most common tree species around the lake are European beech, sycamore maple and European ash, and on the slopes beech and silver fir.